It's been a busy and exciting couple of weeks here at Baby Bays Naturals, and we have so much to share with you. I just want to say I'm sorry that this is the first blog in a month. With the winter months approaching I will focus more on taking care of your child's skin. It has always been important to me to share the journey of all of the things going on with Baby Bays Naturals. We are a community, and I love what we have going here.
First, we're thrilled to announce the completion of our very first commercial photo shoot for Baby Bays Naturals! I was so grateful to have an incredible support system. My nephews were two of our models, and a close friend's daughter also joined in. Seeing them in a different element was so fun, though we had a shaky start with our youngest model, just ten months old, who was a bit camera-shy at first. But once she warmed up, it all came together beautifully. It all felt like a dream because I really prayed for this. And it happened I wanted to cry. I actually did cry once the day ended because God is so good. I really can't wait to see where these photos end up. The photographer and the stylist for the shoot were so awesome. Oh, you're probably wondering what studio did this amazing shoot for us. MadFun is the name of the studio, and I can't wait to go back and work with them.

Ducks are one of our Key Elements to our brand. When you see a rubber duck thank of us. Taken at MadFun Photography Studio.
At the same time as the photo shoot, we participated in the Bloom Fest. My 14-year-old son stepped up to help, selling our skincare and books. I really didn't know how I was going to sell products and be present during the photoshoot, but it all worked out. I was so proud of Ameir as he communicated with potential customers. The Bloom Fest was by far one of my favorite festivals that I attended because it was well organized, and the customers were very engaged in learning about our brand. Sometimes being a vendor can be hard sometimes from set up to not selling anything. But that is a whole separate blog lol. My best friend also came out to support and help. It was truly a beautiful day.

Lastly, I had the honor of speaking at 'For His Glory,' the launch of 410 Brands. I shared my journey from pain to purpose, reflecting on my experiences as a mother to a special needs child and how it led me to become an author and create Baby Bays Naturals. My message was to inspire everyone to never give up and to have faith and obedience in what the Lord can do for us, as long as we believe. It was such a great event to be a part of. The women in the room all came expecting and based off of the reviews everyone felt the glory of God. That was Mykayla's main prayer was for God to move and that prayer was answered.
